England and Iraq sign treaty of alliance (1948)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Ernest Bevin (British Foreign Secretary) and Sayyid Salih Jabr (Prime Minister of Iraq) sign a treaty of alliance between Britain and Iraq, then visit HMS Victory in port Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Britain Signs Treaty with Iraq ENGLAND: Portsmouth: INT BANDS Naval band at Portsmouth dockyard being admired by Mr. Jabx Iraq’s Prime Minister who tries out Drum Major’s mace ERNEST BEVIN Signs the Treaty of alliance with Prime Minister of Iraq Mr Jabr. at Civic Hall, Portsmouth. Jabr makes speech later admired Naval Band and tries out drum major’s mace Party go aboard . Victory for lunch IRAQ Signing of treaty of Alliance with Britain at Civic Hall Portsmouth. Prime Minister of Iraq, Jabr who makes speech He admired Naval Band and tries out mace of the Drum-Major Later, the whole party goers aboard
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