Pizza Tower: Doise’s reaction to the discord memes (Garry’s mod animation)

After givin’ that Noise a good thrashin’ and settlin’ the score, Doise decides to take his place. He reckons he’ll be the last one in “Noise’s Reaction 2“ when it’s all said and done. Mind ya, this ain’t the real reason things ain’t finished this time around, but I hope y’all still enjoy it. -------------------------------- chapters 0:00 beginning 0:22 Adorable rabbit gets hilariously excited at the sight of food 0:33 I see your claymore roombas and raise you.. *Real b0mb, but TRAINING so no xplodey-bois* @airmantoni/video/7269834149475896622?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc 0:41 *burps cutely* 0:46 Baby wizard 0:55 *No Topic* 1:05 Meet the team outro but they all killbind 1:
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