Still Alive (from “Portal“) (acoustic Jonathan Coulton cover) - Mike Massé
“Still Alive” from the game “Portal”, written by Jonathan Coulton, an acoustic cover by Mike Massé. Listen on Spotify: Buy from iTunes:
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Liner Notes: Mike lets his geek flag fly! :) Posted on my brother’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Mark! The picture at the beginning of the video was taken a couple of years ago on his 40th in Seattle, at which his daughter Morgan and I performed “Still Alive”. Mark has always been a gamer, and now even works for Riot Games. He’s primarily responsible for getting me into PC gaming as an adult-—something I wish I still had time for now and then. :) Mark’s online alias is Beezer, a childhood family nickname. Mine is XanderHarris, my favorite character from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Fun fact: my first YouTube user name was XanderHarris, but I soon changed profiles to mikemassedotc