This is the last video I’m going to post for a while, and I wanted to go out with a bang with one of my favorite Tool songs. I’ll be taking a hiatus for a few weeks to build the new drum studio (see the ’making of’ video for more details).
More than 10 years after first listening to this song, Carey’s drumming at the end still gives me chills. And playing along with it on the drums is one of the most exhilarating feelings ever. Learning the rest of the song was a great journey too - there are so many subtleties and nuances that I never knew existed. It wasn’t until I really peeled back the layers while learning it that I gained a true appreciation of this piece of art. It really is impossible to heap too much praise on Carey for his artistry and drum mastery in songs like this. I also really appreciate the musicality of the song as a whole and how it heralded a new age for Tool - Maynard got rid of some of his inner demons and the message of their music switched from angst and rage to more esoteric ideas and mysticism.
This isn’t one of those songs where you learn two or three parts which repeat themselves throughout the song. A couple of beats repeat themselves to provide some cohesion, but there are SO many distinctive drum parts in this the .
This song was another great humbler. It was my outlet during the past few weeks while I’ve had an insane work schedule trying to get a big report finished. When I was overwhelmed with work, I would go to the practice kit and learn a new part to this song. It was so gratifying to put all of the parts together and record the whole thing after finishing the report.
It was important to me to record this one all in one take - so that’s what this is. Also, there is no sampling or replacement of the acoustic drums - they’re all-natural.
I hope that watching this video brings even a fraction of the joy that went into the making of it. Thanks so much for watching, and thanks in advance for your feedback - it’s always appreciated.
Recorded on Gretsch Catalina and Renown maple drums, Pearl 14“ x 6.5“ Free Floating Maple Snare, Evans EMAD bass drum head Evans G2 batter drum heads Evans G1 resonant drum heads, Sabian Paragon cymbals (16, 18, 20-inch crashes; 19 China; 22 ride), Paiste Novo 20-inch China, Paiste hats, Sabian 10 inch paragon splash, DW 9000 double pedal, DW 3000 hi hat stand Orange County drum throne, Pro Mark 747 sticks (Neil Peart signature Japanese Oak), Apex 435 overhead mics, Audix D-series mics on toms and kick, Audix i5 and Shure SM57 mic on snare, M-Audio Profire 2626 interface, Logic Express 9, Canon T2i, Canon Vixia HF M40, GoPro HD Hero 2, and iPhone cameras, Shure SE315-CL in-ear monitors.
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