Evan Rachel Wood Explains Her Activism on Behalf of Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Evan Rachel Wood talks about the act she co-wrote, the Phoenix Act, and the responsibility she has on behalf of other survivors. Evan Rachel Wood’s new documentary Phoenix Rising on HBO Max captures how she transformed her trauma into state law. Evan helped co-write the bill The Phoenix Act, which extends the statute of limitations for domestic violence in California. It was unanimously passed and signed into law in January 2020. Brian Warner (aka Marilyn Manson) has denied ever abusing Wood and says their relationship was consensual. Visit the link below to learn about the current statute of limitations in your home state. State by State Guide on Statutes of Limitations: For more information and resources on the Phoenix Rising Documentary, visit the link below. Phoenix Rising Resources: #DrewBarrymoreShow #EvanRachelWood Subscribe to The Drew Barrymore Show: ht
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