Welcome to this course on Spring Boot Tutorials for Beginners. Spring Boot is a tool for getting started very quickly with Spring applications. Spring Boot Focuses attention at a single point and Control a large collection of spring-* projects. Spring Boot allows a user to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring Applications and Exposes a lot of useful features by default.
00:00:01 1 - Getting Started
00:12:27 2 - Spring Boot [id165603958|@RestController] Tutorial | Building RESTful API
00:19:21 3 - Spring MVC Framework
00:30:19 4 - HTTP GET request
00:45:41 5 - HTTP POST request
00:54:59 6 - HTTP PUT and DELETE API Endpoints (Spring MVC Framework)
01:08:07 7 - Spring Data JPA
01:17:09 8 - Configuring Embedded Apache Derby in Spring Boot app
01:27:29 9 - Spring Boot CRUD Operation ...
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Java и gRPC: быстрый старт со Spring Boot | Преимущества, Настройка и Использование