Articulations that will build your chops

A great to improve your overall playing is by knowing these basic articulations. Practice these on scales, arpeggios, intervals as you will find them in music. Regardless of the style you play you should know them all but do take your time to learn them one at the time🥳 Articulations 1. All slurred 2. All tongued 3. 2 surred, 2 staccato 4. 2 staccato, 2 slurred 5. 3 slurred, 1 tongued 6. 1 tongued, 3 slurred 7. Slurred every 2 8. Jazz articulations 🎷Saxophone Artistry - Online Program 📞Book a FREE strategy call to see if we’re a good fit to work together (Places are limited for 2023) 🎁 Get the free Saxophone Guide and access the Music Vault Folder 📱Follow us Facebook: Instagram: Join our Private Faceb
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