Забудь о СТАРОСТИ | Звуковые волны Разгладят ваши МОРЩИНЫ | Формула МОЛОДОСТИ и КРАСОТЫ

The purpose of this video session is a positive effect on physiological processes, normalization of self-regulation processes, restoration of normal functioning of the body. The course of cosmoenergetic music helps to get rid of stress, launches an internal program of cleansing the soul and body. And the runic formula “Rejuvenating Apples“ will burn all the negative programs that “force“ a person to age. Just listen and program yourself to restore cells and rejuvenate the whole body. After the first full listening, you will find inner harmony and a surge of energy. And after 28 days of listening, you will notice how you will become more attractive and attractive! That’s how much time it takes to program your subconscious. In order for the cells to accept the new installation, you need to do it every day! While listening, you may feel slight tingling in the face area, do not worry, this may manifest the effect of rejuvenating cosmoenergetic music. It has been prove
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