Lost Ark Slayer Trailer

This is a short trailer of a new class in Lostark game called “Slayer“. It was my 3rd experience as project Team-Lead. Task: Create short storyline. Show how this new class looks like and demonstrate some of its skills. Time spent: 2 month and a half. What I’ve done exactly? - Idea, scenario, music search, cinematic cameras, montage, environment design based on game assets, shading and lighting (Redshift), render and final compositing and some effects. Some of animations were created by me too. Team-mates created next things: Alexander Kovalevskiy (Sword Effects: fire trails, smoke trails, sparks. 3d campfires, Sword charging effects and craked ground. ) Ivan Seelnon (drew some frames for preproduction storyboard) Biggest part of animations were taken from client and Mixamo or mixed between them. Models were taken from client too and from public sources.
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