Joshua Aaron // Immanuel (Sea of Galilee Lyric Video) עמנואל // ים כנרת

Official Lyric Video for “Immanuel” by Joshua Aaron from his new album “Every Tribe“ - LYRICS BELOW - Available on iTunes at: or visit . Joshua Aaron takes you on an epic aerial journey to “the lake“ (the Sea of Galilee) & the Jordan River near his home in northern Israel. Set to his new song, “Immanuel“ (God with us). Get it. Rate it. Share it with your tribe! #everytribe iTunes: Amazon: Google Play: Spotify: Glory to God, peace on earth Goodwill to all men Here with the angels we sing And as He reigns from above May He reign in our hearts Our sovereign Lord and King Oh, Immanuel Oh, Immanuel Oh, Immanuel God with us Hallelujah to the One who made His home among us And took our sin away Oh, hallelujah! He has torn the veil That separated To bring us face to face Glory, glory,
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